Who we are

Who we are

Welcome to Chen Initiative, where our passion lies in transforming the lives of young people from diverse backgrounds.

We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating leadership skills among young people, with a vision to empower future generations to become compassionate, innovative, and resilient leaders. Through our programmes, we strive to create a nurturing environment where young individuals can discover their potential, develop essential leadership qualities, and make meaningful contributions to their communities and beyond. By offering mentorship, educational programs, and experiential learning opportunities, we aim to instill in them the confidence, integrity, and vision necessary to tackle the challenges of tomorrow and effect positive change in the world.

Rooted in direct practice, we have dedicated ourselves to understanding the unique challenges faced by youth and empowering them to overcome obstacles and flourish. Our work is driven by the belief that every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. By listening to their voices and advocating for their needs, we strive to mend the broken parts of society and foster hope for a brighter future.

Through tailored support, mentorship, and holistic interventions, we aim to create a world where all young people can realize their full potential and make meaningful contributions to their communities. Join us in our mission to empower youth and build a more inclusive and equitable society.

Our approach

Our Mission
Work with relevant stakeholders to address physical, social, spiritual and mental barriers to self-actualization and fulfilment of purpose.

At Chen Initiative, we are deeply committed to addressing the multifaceted barriers that hinder young people from realizing their fullest potential. Working hand-in-hand with a diverse range of stakeholders, we strive to dismantle physical, social, spiritual, and mental obstacles to self-actualization and purpose fulfillment. 

Our Vision
A generation of young people who know what to do with their lives and how to go about it, even in the face of challenges and obstacles to achieving them.

At the heart of Chen Initiative mission is the aspiration to empower a generation of young leaders who possess clarity of purpose and resilience in the face of adversity. Through our programs and initiatives, we equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to navigate life’s challenges and pursue their aspirations. 

Our Objectives
  • To promote the discovery and development of God-given potentials in young people
  • To be a resource cradle for young people’s skills and development.
  • To provide wholesome alternatives for teens and youths to expend their time and energy meaningfully
  • To promote a sound physical, emotional and spiritual health among young people to enable them actualize their dreams
  • To engage with and support other organizations with similar focus

Our strategies


Character and leadership

Career development & education

Wholesome alternatives

Health & wellness

Skills development & Empowerment

Resource centre

Research and evaluation

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