Purpose Summit
Purpose Summit
This generation of young people, no doubt, lives in the most challenging of all times; there is a continuous battle for their minds. Although many of them know that they are on earth to fulfil a purpose, the majority have no idea what it is, or how to find it out. One strategy the devil uses today is to keep them occupied with non-essentials; distracted by the many voices speaking through several channels, friends, siblings, television, radio and most commonly, social media!

Young people are key to the end-time agenda of God, and I dare say, also of the Devil! Just like the Devil is recruiting youths to unleash mayhem on the world in these end-times, God is enlisting young people in His army and empowering them for the final battle.
The Purpose Summit is an annual interdenominational gathering of young people organized by Chen Teen & Youth Development Initiative (CTYDI), a non-governmental, non-denominational, faith-based charitable organization, in collaboration with the Foursquare Gospel Church Youth and Teens Ministry, aimed at teaching teenagers and youths on finding and fulfilling purpose.