Advisors Biography


OFURE AFIOMAH is a lawyer called into the Nigerian bar in 2015. She has a Masters of Law from Queen Mary University of London. Her areas of practice include Environmental Law, Energy Law and Criminal Law. She believes that God has blessed the human race with so many resources, environmental, economic and social, and it is our responsibility to manage these resources responsibly. Out of this belief stems her interest in the concept of sustainable development and its resources. Her goal is to take proactive steps to make the Nigerian maritime environment safe and buoyant for this generation and future generations to come.

She is a member of the National Committee drafting the National Maritime Strategy 2020, a legal document aimed at the protection and preservation of the Nigeria Maritime Environment. She’s also currently undergoing training with the UNODC’s (United Nations Office of Drug and Crime). Global Maritime Crime Programme, The Fight against Piracy and Maritime Crimes. 

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